Nicosia Doctors lists medical practitioners and doctors in Nicosia. Search here to reach a specific doctor, whether is a surgeon in Nicosia, a general pathologist or a gynecologist. Further to that, you can locate Nicosia medical care providers for the highest quality care and also primary care physicians in Nicosia city and suburbs.
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Nicosia Doctors
131, Strovolos Ave, Strovolos, Nicosia N/A, Cyprus
Now is
Andrea Avramidi 55-57, Strovolos, Nicosia 2024, Cyprus
Now is
11, Kyriakou Matsi Street ,Nikis Center ,1st Floor, Nicosia, Nicosia 1082, Cyprus
Now is
62 Andrea Dimitriou Street, Flat 22 Dasoupolis, Nicosia, Nicosia 2025, Cyprus
Now is
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